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Jennifer Robertson
Animaloïdes: Je suis moi parce que mon petit aibo me connaît (Dictionnaire historique et critique des animaux, 2024)
Non, Les Japonais ne vivent pas avec les robots, 2022 (Interview in Tempura, un magazine sur le Japon)
Househusband as an Agent of Pronatalism in Japan, 2022
Technologies of Kokoro: Imagineering Human-Robot Co-Existence. Perspectives from Japan. (Robots, Religion, Emotion), 2022
Glamorized Exploitation: Visual Images of Meiji-period “Factory Girls” (
), 2022
Imagineerism: Technology, Robots, Kinship. Perspectives from Japan, 2022
From Tiramisù to #MeToo: Triangulations of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Heisei Japan (1989-2019), 2022
Robot Theater (Robotto engeki) in Japan: Staging Science Fiction Futures, 2021
Gotai: Corporeal Aesthetics and Robotic Exoskeletons in Japan, 2020
No Place for Robots: Reassessing the Bukimi no Tani (“Uncanny Valley”), 2020
Robots and Religiosity, 2019
Edible Eugenics: Dietary Reform and Nation-building in Modern Japan, 2018
Robot Reincarnation: Rubbish, Artefacts, and Mortuary Rituals, 2018
Japan’s Gender-Bending History, 2017
An Oscar for Wakamaru: Robots, Gender, and Performance, 2016
Human Rights Vs. Robot Rights: Forecasts from Japan, 2014
From Uniqlo to NGOs: The Problematic “Culture of Giving” in Inter-Disaster Japan, 2012
Hemato-nationalism: The Past, Present, and Future of “Japanese Blood”, 2011
Rubble, Radiation, and Robots, 2011
Gendering Robots: Posthuman Traditionalism in Japan, 2011
Robots of the Rising Sun, 2010
Gendering Humanoid Robots: Robo-Sexism in Japan, 2010
The Erotic Grotesque Nonsense of Superflat: “Happiness” as Pathology in Japan Today, 2010
Eugenics in Japan: Sanguinous Repair, 2010
Reveille for Anthropologists. Introduction: Anthropologists and War, 2010
Relentless Presentism: Life and Art in the Superflat Dimension, 2009
Ethnicity and Gender in the Wartime Japanese Revue Theatre, 2009
Ema kara yomi sōzō no kyōdōtai: senchūki nihon ni okeru ema to sensōteki niritsuhaihansei, 2009 (Japanese translation of Emaーgined Community)
Ema-gined Community: Votive Tablets (ema) and Strategic Ambivalence in Wartime Japan, 2008
Yūseigakuteki shokuminchishugi: Nihon ni okeru chi no ideorogī (Eugenic Colonialism: Japanese Blood Ideology), 2007
Robo Sapiens Japanicus: Humanoid Robots and the Posthuman Family, 2007
Biopower: Blood, Kinship, and Eugenic Marriage, 2005
Introduction: Sexualizing Anthropology’s Fields (in Same-Sex Cultures and Sexualities), 2005
Putting and Keeping Japan in Anthropology, 2005
Dehistoricizing History: The Ethical Dilemma of “East Asian Bioethics”, 2005
Blood Talks: Eugenic Modernity and the Creation of New Japanese, 2002
Reflexivity Redux: A Pithy Polemic on “Positionality”, 2002
Yoshiya Nobuko: Out and Outspoken in Practice and Prose, 2002
Japan’s First Cyborg? Miss Nippon, Eugenics and Wartime Technologies of Beauty, Body and Blood, 2001
Les Battallions Fértiles: Sexe et la Citoyenneté dan le Japon Impérial (Fertile Womb Battalions: Sex and Citizenship in Imperial Japan), 2001
Dying to Tell: Sexuality and Suicide in Imperial Japan, 1999
It Takes a Village: Internationalization and Nostalgia in Postwar Japan, 1998
Empire of Nostalgia: Rethinking “Internationalization” in Japan Today, 1997
Mon Japon: The Revue Theatre as a Technology of Japanese Imperialism, 1995
Hegemonic Nostalgia, Tourism, and Nation-Making in Japan, 1995
The Politics of Androgyny in Japan: Sexuality and Subversion in the Theater and Beyond, 1992
The “Magic If”: Conflicting Performances of Gender in the Takarazuka Revue of Japan, 1992
Theatrical Resistance, Theatres of Restraint: The Takarazuka Revue and the “State Theatre” Movement in Japan, 1991
The Shingaku Woman: Straight from the Heart, 1991
Gender-Bending in Paradise: Doing “Female” and “Male” in Japan, 1989
Furusato Japan: The Culture and Politics of Nostalgia, 1988
A Dialectic of Native and Newcomer: The Kodaira Citizens’ Festival in Suburban Tokyo, 1987
Japanese Farm Manuals: A Literature of Discovery, 1984
Sexy Rice: Plant Gender, Farm Manuals, and Grass-Roots Nativism, 1984
Rooting the Pine: Shingaku Methods of Organization, 1979